May 2022

amfAR Gala, Cannes Film Festival, May 2022 [ People ]

Milla protested the repeal of Roe v Wade at Los Angeles City Hall protest, May 2022 [Daily Mail article]

From Milla's Instagram:

  • What an inspiring day it was for everyone who showed up to the @womensmarch rally! It was such an honor to be asked to speak. I wasn’t able to post the whole speech, I think it was too long, but I highlighted it in my stories if you want to check it out live. For anyone who wants to read the actual speech in it’s entirety, feel free to scroll through this post. #bansoffourbodies #womensmarch

  • We've all heard the words that have been whispered in oppressive, backward thinking, conservative circles. But now they're being shouted out loud. The Supreme Court of the United States is poised to obliterate Roe v Wade and all women's rights to reproductive freedom.

    And that's not all. Our fundamental human right to privacy may also be at stake. And that won't just impact abortion rights. It will affect many rights we take for granted. The right to marry whoever we choose, regardless of their skin color or gender identity. The right to choose contraception could be at risk.

    Once that door is opened, the Trump-stacked Supreme Court will be empowered to change the course of history. Undoing many hard fought victories for human rights over the past 50 years.

    In nearly half of the United States, the obliteration of Roe v Wade would trigger an immediate and total ban on legal abortions. Throughout history, women have always found a way to have abortions. Making the procedure illegal wouldn't stop women from getting them; it will stop women from getting SAFE abortions.

    And have these lawmakers created any social safety nets to help raise the babies who will be brought into this world as a result of "forced gestation"?

    Universal healthcare? No.

    Free ultrasounds and hospital stays during childbirth? No.

    Free diapers, formula, clothing or childcare? No.

    How about paid parental leave so that BOTH parents can bond with their newborn without wondering where the next paycheck is coming from? No.

    These lawmakers care about the fetus, but not the child it becomes or the families that have to raise it. And who will bear the brunt of these egregious human rights violations? I can promise you it won't be the wealthy Senators attacking Roe v Wade. Nor will it be their friends and loved ones. It will be people of color. It will be people living in economic distress and people from historically powerless communities.

    Because let's be clear. This isn't about abortion. It's about power and control. Every human being has the right to pursue their dreams, their ambitions, their education and their passions before making the decision to dedicate their lives, their time, their energy and their finances to raising a family. Babies should be WANTED, not FORCED.

    These lawmakers aren't even making exceptions for victims of rape or incest. Recently Ohio state representative Jean Schmidt had the audacity to say that a child born of rape or incest was an "opportunity" for a woman. No matter how old or young she is. This is abuse. This is state-sanctioned torture. This is a country ruled by religious fundamentalism and it has to stop.

    We know that the sound of thousands of voices rising as one cannot be ignored. We must continue to act with intention, with strength and with integrity in numbers that cannot be ignored. We must mobilize together and take action. Not just today, but every day.

In celebration of the 25 year anniversary of The Fifth Element, Milla sat down with Vogue to talk about the film, her character Leeloo, and Leeloo's iconic 'bandage' costume!
  • While Leeloo’s clothing has stood the test of time, Jovovich notes that her eternal desire to do good also lives on. “Leeloo is a bright, positive character. She brings out the best in people, and she is the best in all of us,” says Jovovich. “She is love. She is The Fifth Element in that sense. Her identity crisis only helped me discover who I was and who I wanted to be.”     [ Vogue ]