World Breaker (2025)

About the film . . .

  • Plot summary: The film centers on a father and his daughter. Five years previously, a tear in the fabric of reality brought creatures to our world from an alternate dimension bent on our destruction. The father hides his daughter on an island to keep her safe, while he prepares her for survival and the battles to come. But no place is safe.

  • Release date: 2025

  • Press:

  • From Milla's Instagram (02.03.24): Can’t wait to start work again with none other than the incredible @thereallukeevans!! We were inseparable on the set of “Three Musketeers” many years ago, but didn’t get to share the screen enough together, so now it’s so great to finally be invited to share in Luke’s new film with the wonderful Brad Anderson directing! It’s such a special script and I look forward to doing my best to make it the best movie possible!💥


[ For complete credits, check out the Internet Movie Database listing for World Breaker ]

Directed by Brad Anderson

Cast (partial)
Milla Jovovich ....
Luke Evans ....

Plot summary: The film centers on a father and his daughter. Five years previously, a tear in the fabric of reality brought creatures to our world from an alternate dimension bent on our destruction. The father hides his daughter on an island to keep her safe, while he prepares her for survival and the battles to come. But no place is safe.